Sunday, May 22, 2016


Maddi is my feisty, curly haired up and coming 2nd grader.  She will be 7 this summer and is anxiously counting down the days until she is only one year younger than her brother again.

This kid loves to make friends and finds one everywhere we go.
We were at a birthday party 5 whole minutes before she had a new friend

She loves animals like crazy and is insistent that she wants to be a veterinarian someday. 

Her very, very favorite place in the world is on horseback and she would ride all day if she could.

She loves hiking, camping, kayaking.

She enjoys riding her 4wheeler but admittedly isn't as "into it" as her brother. Her bike is a different story, though.  She loves riding her bike!

Baking, cooking, and working out with me and having "girl's days" are at the top of her favorites list as well. 

She is taking swimming lessons (and has come SO far this year!) and is also coming up on beginning swim team this fall.  She is asking about playing softball this fall so we will see where that goes! I think she will really enjoy it.

Maddi is my little reader.  She always has a book in her hand and she loves to go to the library.  She is definitely mine!! This kiddo keeps me on my toes!


This is my wild and crazy upcoming 4th grader, Wyatt.  He just turned 8 years old and is a rowdy, rambunctious kiddo who loves all things outdoors.  He loves to hunt and fish, loves shooting sports like clay pigeon shooting and practicing with his compound bow.
Doing some skeet shooting on our land

  He lives for hiking, camping, and kayaking.

His first solo fire using flint and a tinder bundle
Some hiking at a local lake
  He would live on his 4wheeler if he could. 

 He loves to swim and takes weekly swim lessons with the possibility of starting swim team in the near future.

 He is in his 4th year of baseball and is currently having an amazing season.

First game of the season
 He also likes video games and minecraft for when he is stuck inside for some reason or another. 

This kid keeps me hopping in the homeschool arena.  He is so quick to pick up on new topics and seems to intuitively understand things that I am not expecting him to.  I am anxious to see where his life takes him!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Welcome to Homeschool on the Hilltop

Hello!! Welcome to my little corner of the internet world.  I have been wanting to get a homeschooling blog up for a couple of years now and I figured that now is the time! 

So, let me introduce myself.  Hi!!  I'm Cassie!

 I am a mom of two awesome kids, wife, runner, and wannabe homesteader.  We are in our 4th year of homeschooling since I decided to not pursue finding a job as a teacher in a public school and stay home with my kiddos instead. We are secular homeschoolers which can be interesting since we are the minority of the minority.  Especially in our teeny tiny area, I have met multiple homeschoolers but only ONE other secular family! The Husband and I are currently in the process of adding quite a chunk of land to our little hilltop home and are hoping to expand our homesteading endeavors along with that purchase.  We already have plans to bring horses and chickens back to the property as well as getting a sizable garden up and running.  On top of that we have talked about adding a couple of meat cows, some rabbits, turkeys, and probably some goats.  I am so excited for the prospects of this piece of land that we have happened upon!

My two kiddos are Wyatt and Maddi.   I plan to do a post introducing each of them on their own for my reference in the future.  They are just growing so stinking fast!!

I can't wait to write more about what our family is doing and bring you all along with us as we develop our new land into something pretty amazing (or at least I hope it is!)